Spring Flowers

The Spring always brings a huge variety of spring flowers adding joy to our walks around the neighbourhood.  With my recent purchase of an old film camera, I was anxious to shoot some flowers around the neighbourhood to see how they would come out. Here’s a photo, shot on Pentax Spotmatic SPII with 55mm 1.4:

Poppy Madness

I love the look of film and how it forces you to slow down and be deliberate about your shooting, so I will definitely shoot more of it. I found this quote and it sums up how shooting film makes you feel:

“It means you appreciate the details, the nuances, and subtleties of your craft. It says that in a manic world that designs everything to be faster, you’re not afraid to slow down, to focus, to plan, and to trust yourself when you press the shutter.”

An added bonus is with an adapter like this, I can use the old M42 screw mount lenses on my modern digital camera. Of course, the old lenses lack modern advances such as autofocus. But, my Sony NEX-7 has focus peaking so it is really easy to use the manual focus lenses. With this set up, I’ve been enjoying the old Cosina 55mm 1.4 lens on my digital camera. I paid very little for the old film camera including a couple lenses. But, if you’re familiar with the price of a f1.4 lens, then you will see why this is a good deal! Here’s some of the fun I had with this set up:


Little Green Bug


My Ride


Red Hot Poker Plant


Until the next time, thank you for taking a look! Enjoy!